Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction Final Project:Timmy’s adventure


Course name

Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction – COMP6341

Team members

  1. Aditya Pribadi K. (2001605116)

2. Reinaldy Fargo (2001594573)


The adventure of Timmy is a game that we created towards educational purpose for kindergarten student. In this game, there are five stages with different education. Each stage is started with the whole stage that help players realise in which stage are they. Every stage started and ended with simple dialogue that help the players understand the adventure story. Each of stage also support with help button to help players understand the game objective and controls from each stage.

Game play

Opening Menu

On this opening menu will start with short animation that effect the button and the cloud background. There are two buttons in this layout, play button and credits button. If the players choose play button they will go to stage 1


if the players choose credits button the player will go to credits animation.

Stage 1

Timmy as the main character here are explain to players why he pack his things up.

in this stage the players must find four things that Timmy needed for the adventure. The things are puts randomly so the players must guess the thing that can be drag out.

if the players click on help button there will be a message that shown above. The message will tell the player the objective and the control that they will use in this stage. If the players drag the object into the wrong place, the object will return back to the place they’re belong. And if the player success there will be clap sound and spark effect from the picture. In this stage the player will use mouse to drag and drop.

at the completion of the stage Timmy will showed up and give statement that this stage already finish and players can proceed to the next stage.

after the completion of stage one there will be short animation that will show the full map and the blue line will show the players that they are moving to the stage two.

Stage 2

in this stage two opening dialogue, Timmy meet Mr. monkey and ask about his missing pets but Mr. monkey need Timmy to help him first before he give the location.

Timmy will pass the tree if players can sum the total apple. We use apple picture instead of number because the psychological effect and more interactive median.

if the players click on help button there will be a message that shown above. The message will tell the player the objective and the control that they will use in this stage. In this stage the player will use left and right arrow to move and mouse to click on the answer

first condition if the players not answer the question and try to approach Mr. monkey there will be “click on the answer” message from the system

second condition if the players click on the wrong answer the system will showed up “try again” message.

third condition if the players click on the right answer the system will showed “you’re right” and Timmy can pass Mr. monkey tree. In this stage there will be three question for the first question they will sum from two item, for the second question they will sum from three item and for the last question they will sum four item.

at the completion of the stage Timmy will showed up and give statement that this stage already finishes and players can proceed to the next return of helping Mr. monkey, Timmy finally know where his pets are.

after the completion of stage two there will be short animation that will show the full map and the blue line will show the players that they are moving to the stage three.

Stage 3

in this stage three opening dialogue, Timmy finally found his pet arrested in jail and Timmy will save them back to their place.


if the players click on help button there will be a message that shown above. The message will tell the player the objective and the control that they will use in this stage. If the players drag the animal into the wrong place, the animal will return back to the cage. And if the player success there will be clap sound and spark effect from the picture. In this stage the player will use mouse to drag and drop.

this is the result if the players success drag the animal out from cage and return to their place.

at the completion of the stage Timmy will showed up and give statement that this stage already finishes and players can proceed to the next stage. In this stage one of Timmy’s pets still missing and the missing pets is in stage four

after the completion of stage two there will be short animation that will show the full map and the blue line will show the players that they are moving to the stage four.

Stage 4

in this stage four opening dialogue, Timmy have to collect all the key around the maze to free Mr. bird from cage.

there are simple explanation during the game so the players can read it while they use Timmy to walk around the maze.

if the players click on help button there will be a message that shown above. The message will tell the player the objective and the control that they will use in this stage. In this stage the players will use arrow to move around the maze.

at the completion of the stage Timmy will showed up and give statement that this stage already finishes and players can proceed to the next this stage if the players collect all the keys the system will remove the cage and Timmy can save Mr. bird. If the players not collect all the keys, Timmy cant go to Mr. bird because the system will not remove the cage.

Stage 5

in this stage five opening dialogue, Timmy back to stage three with Mr. bird

in this dialogue Timmy will return Mr. bird back to it place

in this dialogue Timmy inform the players already complete the objectives of the game

at the completion dialogue Timmy will give moral value to the players that illegal hunting are dangerous to the existence of animal

-End of Game-






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“The Adventure of Timmy the Baby” – Final Project Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction (COMP6341) – L3BC-LEC -Proposal

“The Adventure of Timmy the Baby” – Final Project Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction (COMP6341) – L3BC-LEC -Proposal


Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction final project task is making game for kindergarten. So the objective from this final project is create simple game for kids that they can understand it easily. To accomplish this objective we thinking to make adventure game that can help kindergarten in many aspect. We also think that if we just create a game most of people can do it, but we are different we want to make game that has value for them in the future and educate them unconsciously. The background of the adventure of timmy’s is save animal from illegal hunting so through 4 stages we want to educate them with shape knowledge, math, animal name, problem solving and learn about using arrow key in keyboard. From this 4 stage we pack all the education things become fun through this game and make them feel like play a real game.

Game Description

1st stage : in this stage timmy will pack his stuff for the adventure. In this game we put the things hiddenly. After they found the hidden object they have to drag it into the shadow pair as shown on the screen.

2nd stage : after timmy finish packing, now timmy start the adventure. In this stage timmy will met Mr. monkey and asking for clue but before Mr monkey tell he clue he need some favor to do. He ask timmy to count apple for him. In this stage kindergarten student will click on the multiple choice answer. After timmy help Mr. monkey count the apple, Mr monkey give the information to timmy.

3rd stage : timmy finally found his pet captured by hunter and place in the cage. In this stage timmy will rescue his pets by drag them out from cage and return it to their own shadow pair with location clue but one of his pet called Mr. bird still missing and Mr. tiger told him to go to maze.

4th stage: timmy finally found Mr. bird locked in the cage. To open the cage timmy must find 3 keys to open the cage to set free Mr. bird. in this stage kindergarten will move timmy using arrow to find the key and free Mr. bird.

5th stage: after timmy save mr bird, timmy will return to stage 3 and return Mr. bird to his habitat. And end of adventure End of game


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